DECAF Colombia - Medium Roast

from $16.50

This is a special order coffee. This means that there may be some time, possible more than a week, before we roast it due to Covid shifts in demand.

Decaf is often an afterthought. Most roasters murder all subtlety and bring decaf into the oily dark pain cave of burnt sadness. That’s not how we roll. If you are drinking decaf, you do it ONLY for flavor so we honor that with a proper cup.

This Colombian sugarcane process coffee is outstanding. We roast this coffee to a balanced medium roast. I’m constantly in a state of over caffeination so I reach for decaf when I’ve had to cup a ton of coffee. It’s super nice. Note of: Caramel, Creme Brûlée, Pie Crust




FREE SHIPPING when ordering 3 or more bags of coffee!!!

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