$59.00 every month

This is the most ecological and economical means to get deliciousness shipped to you.

We fill a recyclable coffee bag with 3 1/2 pounds of your favorite coffee, place that in a recyclable shipping box and seal it with paper tape. All from plant-based renewable resources.

No plastic. None.

The usual way to ship/store coffee is in a sealed valve bag that robustly protects freshness. This isn’t that. Your coffee will be comparatively naked and quickly aging, like fresh baked bread. Since we will box and ship it straight away, the coffee will be perfectly fresh and lovely when it arrives. But since it’s not in a protective lined valve bag, you’ll want to move it into a nice countertop ceramic canister or similar to keep it fresh. It’s kind of like we bring a bulk bin to your door …sorta.

Everything can go into the paper recycling!

You’ll always get free shipping and you save money because the reduction in packaging allows us to lower the price-per-pound.

Every month we’ll roast and ship your favorite beans so you’re always stoked to start your day!

Easy to start.

Easy to cancel.

Save the Salmon!

And to level up your feel good mojo, we’re partnering with Pacific Rivers nonprofit who tirelessly work in river restoration/preservation which is essential work for the people and the land long term. We were drawn to them because of how their work impacts salmon populations which then impacts indigenous communities in a positive way. They do too much good to detail it out here so pop over to their website and check out all the amazing things that they’re doing. $2 per shipment of the ECO BOX SUBSCRIPTION helps support this essential work.

We have added the option to have your coffee ground-specify desired grind after adding to cart.
